Tuesday 29 November 2011

Compare and Contrast(2 movies you had watch recently)

Compare and Contrast
Introduction – Watching movie is an entertainment, it is popular among all ages. Teenagers will go to cinema with their friends or parents will bring their kids to watch movies in cinema. It is highly demand among everyone and many movies are filmed to satisfy these wants. Movies can be categorized into few groups: horror movie, comedy, romance, actions and so on. The two movies that I recently watched were Nasi Lemak 2.0 by Namewee and Johnny English by Oliver Parker. The thoughts that I gain after watching these two movies are not the same.
Body paragraph - Contrast
Topic sentence - The characters used are not the same
a)      In Nasi Lemak 2.0, Namewee is the director for this movie and he also act as the main character, Hero Huang. The actors in this movie are from the three main races in Malaysia, they are, Malays, Chinese and Indians. All the actors that acts in Nasi Lemak 2.0 are local actors, For Malays, Adibah Noor and Afdin Shauki, for Chinese, Namewee and Karen Kong and for Indians, David Arumugam and Reshmonu.
b)      For Johnny English, the main character is Rowan Atkinson which is well-known as “Mr.Bean”. The actors that acted is this movie are Rowan Atkinson, Gillian Anderson, Rosamnd Pike, Dominic West, Daniel Kaluuya and Richard Schiff.
Body Paragraph 2 - Contrast
Topic sentence - The popularity of both main characters 
a)      Namewee from Nasi Lemak 2.0, Namewee’s popularity is just throughout Malaysia because he dares to protest again the government. He created songs and MVs to express his feelings about the actions of the government. The MVs that were created will be uploaded to internet.
b)      Rowan Atkinson, is a well-known actor, he acts as “Mr. Bean” which is a funny movie. Rowan Atkinson is very famous because he acts in many movies. Almost everyone will know Rowan Atkinson because “Mr. Bean” is a very popular movie because it is a comedy.
Body Paragraph – 3 Compare
Topic sentence – These two movies are comedy movie.
a)      Nasi Lemak 2.0’s content will make people laugh because of the actors and actress’ action. Their actions are crazy and the side effect is cool. Many viewers will laugh in the cinema when they are watching. This movie will suitable for those who like to watch comedy.
b)      Johnny English’s main character, Rowan Atkinson is a very famous comedy actor. He acts in “Mr. Bean” that everyone knows about it. His movements always will make audience laugh. He doesn’t even talk in “Mr. Bean”, it is all his action and movements that will attract the attention of the audience to laugh.
Watching movie is very good way to relax and also to release our stress. There are more and more movies are filmed each year, this is because the demands for movies are increasing time to time.


Although Test 2 is over but here comes the assignments time~
English.Economics and Business...the assignments are to be hand in on the same day~wahhh~
Some students just sleep for 2 hours just to finish it~good luck~
Just finish Test 2 need to finish assignments...after assignments then FINAL....wa~~really need time get some rest~

Haha~~test 2 over d~~

After one week of struggling....at last~our second semester's test 2 over d~haha~gonna relax a while
MATHS~!one of  the hardest subject for test 2... the whole class only few students pass the test.
For other subjects, we still don't know the marks yet~hopefully can get better results.
ARHHH.....Test 2 just over~but the FINAL is just around the corner~2 WEEKS left~!
Gonna study!!!!!!

Friday 11 November 2011

Nice Vacation + Sweet Memories = FRIENDS FOREVER~!~posted on ^11-11-11^

As stated, the most probably the longest post~remember to leave a comment~!
After last week's Maths class by Mr.Choo, heard that he was the BEST lecturer in foundation!!!fuiyoh!!hehe~
Bubu Maki(Chuang Hua), Kien Teck, Andy, Billy Teo and ME! went to Port Dickson to do the community service~and to have fun!John, Xiao Lei, Vivian, Vkaey, Fiona, Gan Yung Seng, Wei Yan will also be joining us on the following day
Last friday~boyz night! only 5 boys...they stayed beside my house and of course I stay at my house lar~We chit chat and play games till midnight
5-11-11~John driving his Pajero Sport reached my house at around 9
 2 girls behind, 3 girls in the middle = 5 girls
only 2 guys in front
haha~2 lucky guys!!!

This is where we had our breakfast on 5-11-11- Kedai Kopi PakLang

Ping Pong time~~Mix Double o!!!couple vs couple???O.o

Video shooting!!

"Father" by Andy
"Daughter" by Xiao lei

A picture of our moral video~

"Dai Kar Jie" bullying Bubu Maki just because of Sprite!!! 

Beach Time!!(Community Service + Beach Soccer)

Community Service!!!Good citizen!!!! GO GREEN!!!!

Beach Soccer!!!

Pro boh???

Everyday I am EMO-ING~~~by Billy Teo

Masterpiece by Andy to "someone" that is special~






ABC(Air Batu Campur)


No spoon for you????



Apa ini o??? 

How was the BBQ???

Haha~~nice boh nice boh???haha~12 of us~
7-11-11, John, Gan Yung Seng, Vkaey, Fiona, Wei Yan and Vivian left PD after lunch~
Bubu Maki(Chuang Hua), Kien Teck, Andy and Xiao Lei stayed at PD till Monday(Public Holiday)

After our brunch~BAK KUT TEH~ 
Beach time again~not the same beach~


Beach at Batu 4~

Scenery of the Beach~

A very good place that couples can go to date!

Nice boh???of course lar~!!taken by me leh!!!haha~~
Haha~remember to leave a comment !!!!
We surely will have our next vacation~soon!!!!~haha~~wanna join??

Thursday 10 November 2011


Obesity is one of the problems which occur in Malaysia. Obesity will lead to several of problems and inconveniency. The reasons why obesity had occurred are due to Malaysians are over-eating, lack of exercise and unbalanced diet.
Body Paragraph:
First cause: Some of the Malaysians are having problem of over-eating.
First effect: It might affect the health of the people that are facing the obesity problems.
Second cause: Those with obesity problem are due to lack of exercise and often use not enough time to do exercise as their excuse.
Second effect: Overweight will be their first symptoms of obesity
Third cause: People with unbalance diet will soon face the problem of obesity.
Third effect: People will always get ill is due to lack of nutrition.
            In conclusion, Malaysians must control their eating habit to avoid facing obesity problem. We must learn to control ourselves not to over-eating. Obesity will bring lots of problem to the victim. People might underestimate the ones that are facing obesity problem because they are afraid that if they will also be isolated because of having friends that are facing obesity problem. Lastly, seek for doctors advice to control ones appetite to avoid obesity.

Tuesday 8 November 2011


Illustrative essay (outline)

Everyone is the same, we only have 365 days in a year ,30days, and 24 hours in a day. Even the richest man or the most successful man have the same amount of days and times with us. But they can manage their time well and do things in time while the ones that always complains that they do not have enough time to finish a specific task in a limited time is because they always procrastinates. The best example are student always procrastinate their assignment, revision and put off the time to prepare their presentation.

Topic sentence-Students  always procrastinate their assignment given by lecturer.
-The time given by lecturer to finish an assignment is usually two to three weeks time.
-Assignment that is given, students always forget when they reach their room because they have mood of still -got time.
-affected by friend.
In conclusion, when the assignment is done around the deadline, even though students  manage finish it, but
the assignment will be lack of information and can't get high marks.

Topic sentence-Students will only do their revision for test when the test is nearly.
-students waste a lot of time to play online games, shopping and so on.
-give excuses such as, not yet test, no mood and so on.
-when the test is tomorrow, they will say not enough time, because they only do their revision the day before
In conclution, when the result is bad,after the lecturer giving back to students, they will get lower marks and try to blame lecturer about their lecture skills is bad.

Paragraph 3
Topic sentence-students will only do their preparation for presentation when the presentation day is coming
-lack of information in power point
-speaking skills is very bad , due to lack of practice
-students will simply do the slide show.
In conclusion, students can't answer what lecturer are asking the question.

Finally,students must manage their time wisely, they can do a time table for their daily activity. They should have enough determination to follow the time table.Students must do their assignment time by time, do revision every day if possible, and prepare for the presentation.

Thursday 3 November 2011

Test 1 is over~

PHEW~~~! test 1 finally over~! time to have a little bit of fun..haha~we enjoyed our 1 week break because of the Deepavali~
REAL STEEL!!!!highly recommended!!!!It's a damn nice movie~worth to watch it...i went to watch this movie with my family few weeks ago at Jusco Seremban 2.....really a nice movie~you won't regret it unless you dont like robots.hehe
Due dates of assignments are just around the corner...haiz~need to stay up longer in the night to finish the assignment~NOT LAST MINUTE JOB!!!

Saturday 29 October 2011

Assignment arh!!!!!!!!!

Task 1:
a)       Pet abuse
Task 2:
2a) What do you understand from your readings regarding the issue?
a)                After reading 5 articles of pet abuse, what I can understand is that human being is acting much more cruel compare to old days. Pets need love and good care from its owner, same as human being, we also need love from our parents and good cares from our parents from danger. We should spend some time to play them, feed them with nutrition food.
 In these 5 articles, the owners used different types of method to abuse their pets. I felt sad for these pets and at the same time think that their owner is inhuman. They should be punished to the limit so that they will regret and won’t abuse any other innocent pets. If they don’t know how to take good care of pets, they shouldn’t have the thoughts of having of a pet at the beginning.
Pets are to be loved not to be abused. For example, most of people like to raise dogs, cats because if we treat the dog well enough, it will watch over the house from robbers and other dangers and dogs are mans best friends as dogs are loyal to its owner.
2b) Why do you think it occurs? Explain your answer.
b)                In my opinion, pet abuse will occur because the abuser is lack of parents love and caring. They don’t know that pets also need love, they will abuse pets to find joy. They will feel happy while looking pets are in pain. This also show that their minds are not matured enough to take care of their pets. Some teenagers can’t even take care of themselves moreover to taking care a pet.
Most of these pet abusing case are done by teenagers, teenagers will do something like this sometimes is because they are lack of their parents concern. Some parents let their children to keep pets, but they didn’t take a look some is on how their children treat the pets, children which minds are mature enough will abuse their pets to find the enjoyment.
Furthermore, teenagers will do these type of activity is because of family problem, maybe their parents always argue an don’t care about their children, don’t take good care of them, don’t take note what they are doing at outside, this will cause their children feel lonely and start to search for fun and will have this idea of abusing pets.   Besides that, family problem also will lead to mental problem of a children, they can’t think correctly and will do this type of petty crime.       
2c) Explain their impacts on:

i)                         Society: If the abuser is not being punished, more cases will occur because they are not afraid. They will abuse more and more pets because there are no laws against them. If this type of problems continues, the society will lack of love and becoming more brutal.
The next generation may become more brutal compare to this generation because the people’s attitude from this generation is not mature enough and keep abusing pets and this kind of attitude will keep on going till the next generation as the people from this generation are not mature enough to teach the next generation. The mindset of the society will change as the newspapers are always full of pet abuse cases. Teenagers that are not mature enough will also learn and copy their activity as they think that it is very fun. They never thought of the result, what will be the punishment if they are being caught. The society will be afraid because there are too many cases, they do not dare to leave their pets alone in the house and if they bring their pets come out maybe it will be snatch and being abused.
            To avoid this tragedy to happen in the future, the abuser must receive the appropriate punishment so that the abuse will afraid of the punishment and will think of the punishment.

ii)                       Nation: Pet abuse cases will give a very big impact to the country.Every year, there are visitors from other countries will go overseas. If the country if full of pet abuse cases, the visitors from other countries will surely think twice before deciding to visit that country that full of pet abuse case, visitors will be afraid. By this, the image of the country will drop. The country will lack of income from outside finally the economy of the country will drop and unemployment will increase.
The NGO (non-government organization) must stand up and fight for the pets. Although pets are not human, but they still have the right to live on this earth. Human beings don’t have the rights to kill the pets at their will, there must be laws against these abuser. There is always news about pet being abuse or kill no matter through websites or newspaper. The abuser that is caught or recorded will always be scolded not only by his or her country’s people but are the people from all around the world. Not only he or she will feel shy but the whole country will be shy of the abuser’s act.          
To avoid this kind of tragedy, not only one side but all of us must work as a team to prevent this kind of cases. What we can do are report to the police if you saw any pet are being abuse, as parents we must guide our children to treat our pets well and many others. All these can be done if we all do it as a unity. 

Monday 10 October 2011

Half outline~

i)                    Introduction
Mr Yap is a worker of Inti International University. He just married with his wife Ms Lee past years ago. In this few years Ms yap has helped Mr yap born 2 babies. Due to the house spaces is becoming small, Mr yap has decided to buy a new house near by his working place. They are 3 issues that Mr yap must be considered. 
ii)                  Topic Sentence 1
He has to consider about the price of both houses whether he can afford it or not.
Supporting Detail 1
In  Taman Jaya area  is an affordable houses which will not burden him. RM250000
Supporting Detail 2
In Taman Aman area have a house that can fulfill Mr yap personal needs, but the prices is very expensive. Rm 350000

iii)                Topic Sentence 2
He has to consider the needs of both houses towards himself and his family.
Supporting Detail 1
Most of the houses in Taman Jaya have 4 sleeping room 3 bath rooms , it is enough for Mr yap families. 
Supporting Detail 2
Most of the houses in Taman Aman are Bangalore, have 6 sleeping room, 4 bath room. Mr yap will feel very waste that because they are only 4 members in his families. 
iv)                Topic Sentence 3
Mr yap have considered the distance  from his house to work place.
Supporting Detail 1
Taman Jaya is nearby Inti International University.
Supporting Detail 2
Taman Aman is far then Taman Jaya.

v)                  Conclusion
After considering all the benefits and the weakness of both houses , Mr Yap has decided to choose the Taman Jaya area's house as his new residents. This is because he has put his family member priority when buying the house.

3rd Post~A bit late~

Test is around the corner, test test test~must try to get high marks even it is test 1 or test 2 so that wont be so pressure in the finals. We still took part in o'night!haha~ damn fun~the shows in the o'night is very interesting especially the harmonica part and the kid singing, for me is something special.Don't know for others==. Although the test is in few weeks time still we also took in university day.
Me and my friends are called to help the Chinese New Year Committee to sell otak-otak. We shouted for the whole evening trying our best but we just mange to sell a little. LOL~
Study lorh~~~~~~~~

Monday 26 September 2011

Blog arh~

  1. We passed through the pretty street which full with floral.
  2. The boring lecture made Ah Beng to lost patient on it.
  3. Attitudes of broken homes' children have been investigated by psychologists.
  4. An angry client rushed into the manager's office.
  5. The witnesses of the accident must give statement in court.

Sunday 18 September 2011

Still a noob in blogging~! Need a PRO to teach me~

     Halo everyone~my name is Jason~I am from Port Dickson, 18 years old. Just started my second semester in INTI.I am taking CFPI and I am in 9B1.
     I like to play badminton and golf. I will play badminton with my INTI friends at the multi purpose hall(MPH) and usually play golf in the weekend. If you guys are playing badminton in INTI, remember to invite me~haha~Not a pro in badminton~but like to play lar~~

     I had a great time with my friends in the last semester,3A1. We had lots of fun and we even travel to Port Dickson to have fun. We rented a apartment in Port Dickson and some of the boys slept on the floor, sorry~hehe~Next time you guys can stay at my house~MUST COME AGAIN!!~~ I hope we can all be best friends and we can go on vacation together.=.=

     Erm...I don't know what to write because maybe this is the first time of writing a blog, maybe the second blog will be more interesting, who knows~I just hope that I can do best in my tests,assignments and presentation and surely make tons of new friends~~

     Have a great time in INTI!!!